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Writer's pictureCristyna Parent

The influence of work on our identity and well-being

According to Dejours and Abdoucheli (1990), two great pioneers of the psychodynamic approach to work, it is seen as a complex set of activities, which influence our mind. Work would have an impact on the mental balance of individuals. The approach of these two authors presents work to us in a much more complex way than a simple financial lever. Work is no longer just instrumental. Work is, in other words, a set of production that has an impact on the world. Work not only transforms the world, it also transforms us. It is a vector that would help identity to be built.

It is through recognition of ourselves that we can build a positive identity.

Recognition would be a major element in building our identity at work. Dejours (1993) believes that identity is central to mental health. According to him, identity would never be completely acquired. It would still be changing. The modification of this identity involves socialization. One of the main places of socialization is precisely work. In this sense, it is by seeing how others perceive and treat us that we build our subjective identity. Whether consciously or not, we analyze the way our colleagues look at us. Do they respect us? How do our managers act when they make a decision? Do they consult us? Do they act respectfully in their interactions? Socialization is important because it allows recognition. It is through recognition of ourselves that we can build a positive identity.

In fact, the organization is seen as a place of socialization between colleagues and bosses, and self-definition is directly linked to social recognition. Also, according to Dubar (1992), the individual gives himself meaning through the multiplicity of social relationships and recognition by others at work. On the one hand, individuals want recognition at work, because it is essential for integrating into the professional group and feeling effective in their workplace. On the other hand, to benefit from this recognition at work, the individual must conform to the standards and values provided by the company. In short, the work situation has an influence on the professional identity construction of the workforce by promoting an identification with the work content and the environment which becomes meaningful for people.

It is important to understand that recognition is divided into two very distinct concepts. The first is called the judgment of beauty . This consists of a positive judgment granted by peers. The judgment of beauty is given by peers, work colleagues, superiors, etc. It is often perceptible thanks to feedback which proves to the worker that he is unique and that his work meets standards. This means that others appreciate how unique the person is in their work. For me, this refers to a judgment of the value of work. The second type of judgment is the judgment of utility. This is about the economic and social utility that the worker has. This type of judgment is often made by superiors. These two types of judgments help the worker's identity to consolidate.


In addition, it is rare for workers to reach high performance levels when they do not have any recognition. To truly touch people's identity, recognition must touch the following three dimensions: the me, the we and the others, according to Dubar (1992).

Recognition allows workers to give meaning to their work and to realize themselves as individuals.

As a result, professional commitment is favored by an intrinsic desire to actualize oneself as a human being. We want to give valid meaning to our professional achievements and thus make a real difference in our environment. It is our need for self-fulfillment that drives us to engage at work. Professional commitment is propelled by our values and our inner motivation. Our profession is like a springboard for the expression of our identity.

Mental health is therefore an amalgamation between the social norms of one's work and one's need for accomplishment. Conversely, work situations that can weaken subjectivity and harm the construction of identity are situations where identity cannot be made visible and where recognition is impossible. Concretely, it can be a work context where colleagues and members of the same team compete against each other. It may also be a context where social exchanges and feedback are not encouraged. A work context where it is better to remain silent than to participate. It is important to become aware of the characteristics of the work environment in which we are immersed on a daily basis. This environment can have a great influence on our self-confidence and our identity as well. Since our profession is a sort of springboard for expressing our identity, a profession that highlights our natural strengths can be a real source of fulfillment. Conversely, a profession with a poor work climate can be very destructive to the health and psychological well-being of the individuals who take part in it.

* In order to lighten the text and make it easier to read, the masculine generic is used as a neutral gender.


References :

Dejours, C., & Abdoucheli, E. (1990). “Theoretical itinerary in work psychopathology”. Prevent Review , 20 (1), 21-38.

Dejours, C. (1993). “Cooperation and construction of identity in a work situation”. Future Anterior , 16 (2), 41-52.

Delobbe, N. (2006). “How to manage careers today. HR , the contributions of work psychology ”. Management of Organizations , 151-174.

Dubar, C. (1992). “Identity forms and professional socialization”. French Review of Sociology , 505-529.

Renault, E. (2007). “Recognition and work”. Work , (2), 119-135.

Sainsaulieu, Y. (1999). “SUD-PTT, a new “political” unionism? Industrial Relations/Relations , 54 (4), 790-814.

Vézina, M. (2000). Work and its misunderstandings: investigations into the psychodynamics of work in Quebec . Laval University Press.

Cristyna Parent is a guidance counselor and psychotherapist by training. She has acted as a facilitator and trainer on themes such as transformational leadership, psychological safety, collective intelligence, etc.


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